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Officials lay cornerstone for Cameroon's 30MW Lom Pangar hydroelectric plant
---Officials from the African Development Bank and various Cameroon ministries were on hand to help lay a ceremonial foundation stone for the 30MW Lom Pangar hydroelectric plant.
The powerhouse is an addition to the existing Lom Pangar Dam, which was built by the China International Water and Electric Corp. and Coyne et Bellier earlier this decade.
The facility is projected to cost about US$70 million, with a construction timeline extending two-and-a-half years.
Lom Pangar is being developed by Cameroon's Electricity Development Corp. (EDC) as a means of decreasing the energy deficit in the Belabo region, and is one of several projects being considered for the Sanaga River. Also in the works is cumulative 120 MW addition to the 263MW Edea and 396MW Song Loulou plants.
The central African country has about 13,700 MW-worth of hydroelectric potential, EDC has previously stated, though more than 10 million residents currently lack access to power.
(From Hydroworld)