---On Feb. 19th, Mr. XU Chaoqian, Deputy
Director General of the Department of International Cooperation
of Ministry of Science and Technology, led a work team
including Mr. CHEN Hongsheng, Chief of the Division of
Asia and Africa to visit HRC, along with the company of
the Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province,
including Deputy Director General Mr. CHENG Yuechong,
and the Division Chief Ms. ZENG Xiaopeng etc.
Director General of HRC, Ms. CHENG
Xialei hosted the meeting, and warmly welcomed the delegation
headed by Mr. XU Chaoqian. HRC's Deputy Director, Mr.
XU Jincai introduced HRC with more details, including
its business profile, achievements on foreign-aid research
work and the follow-up activities.
Director XU affirmed HRC's foreign-aid
work on science and technology, and hoped that HRC would
focus on three major tasks, i.e. foreign-aid training,
the setting-up of China-Pakistan Joint Research Center
for Small Hydropower Technology and helping developing
countries for hydropower planning. He also wished that
HRC could keep a long-term and steady momentum for international
S&T cooperation and exchange, and supports would be
always given to HRC from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Division Chief Mr. CHEN Hongsheng also
highly evaluated HRC's work on the setting-up of China-Pakistan
Joint Research Center for Small Hydropower Technology,
and he required HRC to meet the Pakistani actual demand,
as to build this joint research center with much more
positive effect. He suggested HRC would follow the national
diplomatic strategy, take advantage of the influential
benefit of SHP in the construction of "Silk Road
Economic Corridor" and "Marine Silk Road",
keep helping the neighboring countries with advanced SHP
expertise, and jointly build a Sino-African Training Center
or Research and Development Base with the cooperation
of South Africa or other African countries.
Director General of International Center
on Small Hydro Power, Mr. LIU Heng, Deputy Director Mr.
FAN Xinzhong, and Chief of International Liaison Division
Ms. HUANG Yan were invited to the meeting. HRC's Deputy
Director Mr. HUANG Jianping, Chief of Foreign Affairs
& Training Division Mr. LIN Ning, Deputy Chief of
Science and Research Management Division Mr. JIN Huapin,
and Assistant to Chief of Foreign Affairs & Training
Division Ms. SHI Jin also attended the meeting. (2014-02-25)