---On May 8, two HRC alumni from Nepal,
Mr. Rimal, Chairman of Solar Energy System (SES) and Mr.
Poudel, Executive Director of Building Design Authority
(P.) Ltd. revisited HRC for an in-depth discussion on
SHP bilateral cooperation. 15 years ago, Mr. Rimal and
Mr. Poudel came to participate in the 1998 International
Training Workshop on SHP conducted by HRC.
Deputy Director Mr. Huang Jianping and
Foreign Affaris and Training Chief Mr. Pan Daqing had
a cordial meeting with Mr. Rimal and Mr. Poudel, and the
warm regards from Director Ms. Cheng Xialei who was in
Beijing for business were transferred to the two old friends.
It's a pleasant time to recollect the good old days and
look forward to the future cooperation. Based on a full
mutual understanding, a MOU on bilateral cooperation in
the field of SHP and other renewable energies was signed.
Mr. Rimal and Mr. Poudel sincerely expressed that, in
their mind, HRC is the most faithful, most reliable and
most forceful partner.
On the night, Director Ms. Cheng Xialei
returned to Hangzhou and met with Mr. Rimal and Mr. Poudel,
having a nice talk and taking a group photo to mark the