---On 18th November 2011, Mr. RIFAT
and Mr. ERKAN of a Turkish company called "BERKE
ELEKTRIK URETIM" paid a visit to HRC for determining
the turbine-generating equipment manufacturers of three
hydropower projects and discussing the scope of supply
and some technical issues with us.
Last year, Mr. Xu Jincai,deputy director
of National Research Institute for Rural Electrification,
together with Mr. Lin Ning and Mr. Xu Wei, Deputy General
Managers of Hangzhou Yatai Hydro Equipment Completing
Co., Ltd., visited this company in Turkey. The technical
expertise and the overseas achievements of Hangzhou Yatai
just gave a deep impression to the customer.
During this visit in China, detailed
discussion was held concerning the delivery, supply scope
vendor list and price etc. (2011-11-22)