---Entrusted by the Department of International
Cooperation, Science and Technology, MWR, from 25th to
28th May 2011, the Bureau of Rural Hydropower and Electrification
Development, MWR presided and held a review meeting in
Hangzhou for the examination of three draft national standards
and one revision guideline of MWR standard, inclusive
of the "Technical Specification for Operation and
Maintenance of SHP Station", "Equipment Disuse
Rule for SHP Station", "Technical Specification
for Energy-saving Reconstruction of SHP Power Grid"
and "Design Guideline on Power System in Areas of
Rural Hydropower", etc. A consensus of approval among
the experts has been reached and the drafting group was
required to make improvement based on the opinions of
expert group and proceed to the next working stage as
soon as possible. (2011-06-08)