---On the morning of 28 April 2010,
Mr. Charles Lin, Director General of Atmospheric Science
and Technology Directorate, Environment Canada paid a
visit to HRC, accompanied by the other two respected guests.
The leaders and experts of HRC had a friendly and pleasant
meeting with the Canadian delegation.
Director General Charles Lin made a
presentation on the efforts and achievements of Environment
Canada in the fields of weather, climate and air control.
Meanwhile, he expected to learn more about SHP development
in China.
Following a warm welcome to the guests
on behalf of HRC, Director Cheng Xialei detailed the status
quo of SHP development in China, as well as the efforts
and achievements of HRC in the field of small hydropower.
It was also mentioned that HRC hopes to introduce the
technology of VLH turbo-generator unit from Canada with
kind assistance from Environment Canada.
Director General Charles Lin applauded
the successful development of SHP in China, especially
the good experience of "Substituting SHP for Fuel"
which deserves to be popularised. After returning to Canada,
he would help HRC to promote the introduction of VLH technology.
Moreover, the potential cooperation on renewable energy
was discussed at the meeting.
Mr. Huang Jianping, Deputy Director
of HRC, Mr. Lou Hongping, Mr. Lin Ning and Mr. Xu Wei,
Vice Division Chiefs of HRC were also present at the meeting.