---On December 21st 2009, approved
by the Ministry of Water Resources, two standards The
Guidelines of Hydroenergy Development Program for Medium
and Small-sized Rivers (SL221гн2009) and Hydroenergy Design
Code for Small Hydro Power Projects (SL76гн2009)revised
by HRC have been promulgated and will come into force
on March 21st, 2010.
The Guidelines of Hydroenergy Development
Program for Medium and Small-sized Rivers is revised on
the version of SL221гн98, regulating the principles and
the requirements for the content, depth and techniques
of the planning and compiling of hydroenergy development
program for medium and small size rivers. The guidelines
emphasize on problems of current concern such as the coordination
between the hydroenergy development and the ecological
environment protection, and inundation as well as the
settlement of migration from reservoir, which present
directive significance on the development program for
medium and small size rivers.
Based on SL76гн94, Hydroenergy Design
Code for Small Hydro Power Projects is revised and amended
with the requirements for the basic information on hydroenergy
design and the restriction of the environment on SHP,
and simplified such contents as the load reserve, overhaul
reserve and emergency reserve for the small hydropower
so that it is more adaptive and practical. (2010-01-04)