---Arranged by the Investment Support
and Promotion Agency of Turkey, Mr. Dong Dafu and Mr.
Lin Ning of Hangzhou Yatai Hydro Equipment Completing
Co., Ltd. which is a sub-company of Hangzhou Regional
Center (Asia-Pacific) for Small Hydro Power (HRC), visited
on April 28, 2009 the Turkish Embassy in Beijing and met
H.E. Mr. Murat Salim Esenli, the Ambassador.
During the meeting, the Ambassador
reiterated the strategic location advantage of Turkish
market. "From here, you can trade with Europe, Africa
and Middle East very conveniently". Mr. Murat Salim
Esenli also briefed the existing economic status, the
power market and the development strategy of renewable
energies in Turkey, and hoped to see more Chinese investment
into Turkish infrastructure industry.
We presented the technical advantages
of HRC in small hydropower (SHP) design, consultation,
training as well as the electromechanical packaging and
export, especially we located those 10 Turkish hydropower
projects for which we supplied the electromechanical equipment.
His Excellency acclaimed and suggested the Investment
Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey to inform us of
the potential Turkish hydropower projects timely, and
also afford its utmost assistance for us to undertake
projects in Turkey.
Taking this opportunity, we extended
the warmest regards and heartfelt invitation for his visit
to our center when he is coming to Hangzhou for West Lake
Expo in this October. (2009-05-04)