---In 15-20 Nov 2007, Dr Tseng with
ORENCO Corp in USA together with another colleague visited
HRC and discussed the cooperative projects of refurbishing
Xihu Hydropower Station in Jinhua and building a SHP station
at Fox River in USA.
Early this year HRC and ORENCO jointly
applied for the renewable energy fund from California
Energy Commission for refurbishing Xihu Hydropower Station
in Jinhua, and the application has been approved. Dr Tseng
came to Hangzhou to make further investigation of the
power station and prepare for the next phase of cooperation.
Earlier, Xihu Hydropower station in Jinhua was set as
the pilot hydropower station of containerized type for
potential localization developed by HRC.
Currently, the design scheme has been
finished and the equipment is being manufactured. It is
expected to put into commissioning next year. During the
visit, Dr Tseng went to the site of Xihu Hydropower Station
in Jinhua, accompanied by HRC deputy director Ms Cheng
and HRC honorary director Dr Zhu. After the visit to Jinhua
turbine factory and a local hydropower station, Dr Tseng
appreciated highly China's domestic SHP equipment and
SHP automation technique.
During his visit, Dr Tseng introduced
the SHP development of USA and discussed the technical
schemes of setting up a low-head SHP station at Fox River
in USA. HRC would try to participate in the project in
EPC form.
HRC explored with Dr Tseng in other cooperative issues
and signed agreements. Dr Tseng expressed his willingness
to disseminate SHP technology and products developed by
HRC in the USA and other American countries. (2007-12-03)