---Spnsored by Swedish International
Development Agency (SIDA), HRC participant, Mr.Pan Daqing
attended the "Management of Hydropower Development
2007" ---- an advanced international training programme
held in Stockholm, Sweden from Sept. 2 to Sept. 28.
The above mentioned course was one of
the global training programmes on hydropower development
under the sponsorship of SIDA, aiming at enhancing managerial
and technical skills and covering subjects of strategic
importance to sustainable economic and social development.
Entrusted by Sida, Vattenfall, a leading European energy
company, conducted the training programme, attended by
22 delegates from 11 countries, with 4 particpants from
A very useful lecture was the introduction
to methodology, a logical framework approach (LFA) by
Kari. The topic was important and interesting so that
participants were extremely earnest to do the group work.
The method is appropriate and applicable not only to projects
of hydropower development, but also applicable virtually
for all other fields.
The non-technical presentation on Hiv/Aids
and infrastructure development by Lise Munck was impressive.
Whether you are working in the hydropower sector or not,
the topic was important to all. The significance the lecturer
exposed that prevention plays a key role especially at
the initial stage. If neglected, you will have to pay
much higher price than expected and sometimes it could
go far beyond control. The lecture started with a quiz,
attracting much of the attention in a new way. The three
countries Thailand, Egypt and South Africa taken as examples
vividly illustrate how important it is to prevent something
at the very initial stage.
The visit on the date of 17th Sept.
to Stornorrfors Hydropower Station built at Ume River
is beneficial. The station was firstly built in the 1950's
with 3 units at that time. In 1985 one more unit was added,
thus with the total installed capacity reaching 600 MW.
Though the station was put up some 50 years ago, it is
still operating in sound condition. The noise from the
units is quite low. The operators for the whole station
account for only 12 persons. At the central controlling
room, 3 staffs are seen on duty at the day time. At night,
there is no one on duty in there, but the operators work
and control at home, as we were told. According to the
introduction by Vattenfall engineers, the annual output
amounts to as high as around 2500 GWh. (2007-10-09)
Country report
Controling room at Stornorrfors Hydropower Station built
at Ume River
With HRC's former trainees
At Swedish Prof's house