---On 19 December 2006, a beautiful
sunny day in Hangzhou, the opening ceremony of "Training
Workshop on SHP" was held in HRC. So far, 37 engineers
from 27 countries have arrived to attend this rewarding
event, while several more participants are still on their
way to China. Entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce, HRC
is honored to implement the 52-day training programme,
which is under the list of foreign aid by the Chinese
government to other developing countries.
Presided by Ms. Cheng Xialei, Deputy
Director of HRC, the opening ceremony was successfully
held, with the presence and speeches of many distinguished
leaders, i.e. Mr. Xia Yungui, Deputy Director, Bureau
of Economic Cooperation, MOC; Mr. Xia Weihai, Deputy Director,
and the Official Ms. He Xiaoqun, Department of Foreign
Trade & Economic Cooperation, Zhejiang Province, etc.
HRC leaders, lecturers and the course organizers also
attended the ceremony. On behalf of the whole of the staff,
Dr. Chen Shengshui, Director of HRC, and Mr. Zhu Xiaozhang,
Honorary Director of HRC, expressed the heartfelt welcome,
and sincerely wish a great success for the training course.
HRC would spare no efforts to offer the participants a
pleasant and healthy stay in China.
Foreign aid programme from China is
one of the important components for its foreign trade
and economic cooperation. It aims at offering kind assistance
to other developing countries, for the maintenance of
national sovereignty, the championship of national independence,
and the promotion of friendly relationship and the trade
and economic cooperation. The implementation of the "Training
Course on Small Hydropower" makes significance to
further strengthen the mutual understanding among China
and other developing countries, and to enhance kind cooperation
in the field of SHP.(2006-12-21)