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Two Seminars for Cambodia
Opens by HRC
---The opening ceremony for 2006 Seminar
on Water Resource Planning & Management for Cambodia
and Seminar on Power System Planning & Analysis for
Cambodia was held on 24 Nov in HRC's multi-functional
hall. Leaders from Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang
province, Department of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation
of Zhejiang province, Department of Water Resources of
Zhejiang province attended it and some speeches delivered.
A special message of congratulation sent from the Department
of International Cooperation & Science+Technology
of the Ministry of Water Resources was read at the ceremony.
The officials from Cambodian Council
of Ministers, Ministry of Industry Mine & Energy,
Ministry of water Resources & Meteorology were present
at the opening ceremony. The 30 participants will stay
for 20 days for the seminars. Mr. Chea Chhunkeat, Director
of Administration and Human Resources Department and Mr.
Kong Pisith, Director of Department of Industry, Mines
& Energy of Mondulkiry Province made speeches on behalf
of the participants attending the two seminars respectively,
expressing their gratitude for the sponsorship by the
Chinese government for the chance to learn and exchange
in China.
So far, entrusted by the UN system,
Chinese ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Water Resources,
Ministry of Science & Technology and etc, HRC has
successfully hosted 42 international SHP training workshops
with nearly 800 engineers and government officials from
80 countries. It is the first time for HRC to hold such
seminars attended by purely governmental officials, entrusted
by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. HRC will spare no
efforts to ensure the full success of implementing the
two seminars.(2006-11-27)
