17-18 Feb Seminar on Financing Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM) Projects in China was jointly conducted in Beijing
by Tsinghua University, Delphi and Faber Maunsell. Present
were participants from Development & Reform Commission
of China's State Council, Ministry of Science & Technology,
China State Environmental Protection Administration, China
Energy Conservation Investment Corporation, representatives
of UNDP, GEF, UK, Holland and Canadian Embassies in Beijing,
the World Bank, international consultancy companies, China's
CDM experimental provinces and etc. Invited by international
companies, representatives from HRC were also present.
The CDM is one of several "flexibility
mechanisms" authorized in the December 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
The potential benefits to the developing countries include:
promoting the investment for environmentally sound projects/technology
from the industrialized countries and financial entities
so as to achieve the sustainable development of the developing
countries. In accordance with the Protocol, all the countries
are grouped into two: The annex I parties consist of those
industrialized countries and the non-annex I parties mainly
of those developing countries.
CDM in China has not yet been
widely publicized and the application procedures complicated.
The progress seems a bit slow so far, if compared with
such country as India. Some participants commented: "The
training is now leaving and you have not got on the train".
The officials from Development & Reform Commission
of the State Council and Ministry of Science & Technology
expressed to speed up the extension process.
The emission reduction effect
of SHP is remarkable, which has been fully confirmed by
the participants.(2002-10-16)