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the early 1980s, China's efforts to develop its electric
power industry have attracted the interest of a large number
of foreign companies. Burdened with its enormous population
and huge electricity demand growth, China has been unable
to finance its power development programme alone and has
used private foreign finance to make up the domestic investment
funded power plants have been established in various provinces
and cities using investment mainly from Hong Kong, Asia,
the US and Europe. The size of privately funded projects
has varied considerably, ranging from small stations under
100MW to large projects of several thousand megawatts. Most
independent power producer (IPP) schemes involve a single
power station though some IPP projects have been established
covering several power plants.
Until now
almost all foreign financed power projects in China have
been build, operate and transfer (BOT) schemes. Under the
BOT concept, the foreign developer builds and operates one
or more power stations for an agreed number of years during
which time the company recovers its investment and earns
a profit from generating electricity and selling it to the
local power grid.
At the end
of the Ninth Five Year Plan (1996-2000) China's installed
generating capacity reached 319,320MW and the nation's power
output reached l,368.4 TWh, both figures ranking second
in the woi after the US. Although China boasts the world's
second largest electricity industry per capita electricity
consumption nationally is still below the world average,
while t situation is worse in rural areas.
In announcing
the tenth Five Year PI (2001-2005) the government has targeted
7% increase in GDP and a corresponding 6% growth in power
output. During I current five year plan period, electric
industry development and restructuring will focus on the
construction and transformation of the power grid and the
establishment of regional power grids which will interconnct
to form a national grid network and facilitate the west-east
transmission of electricity from China¡¯s interior to the
fast developing east coast region.
Coal accounts
for about 75% of the total electricity generated in China
and about 67% of primary commercial energy consumption.
Hydroelectric power is the second largest sources of power
generation accounting for about 18% of total power generation
followed by oil-fired stations. Nuclear power and other
fuel sources account for 1 % of power output.
While coal
is China¡¯s largest primary energy resource, the government
is concerned about serious atmospheric pollution from coal-burning
that affects most large cities. Plans to reduce coal-fired
pollution include promoting the development of hydro power
and renewable energy during the current ninth plan.
During the
past 20 years, hydro power has fallen as a proportion of
China's total installed generating capacity and power output
due to the rapid increase in coal-fired generation. The
government is hoping to reverse this trend as part of its
pollution reduction programme.
In 1990,
for example, hydro accounted for 26% of China's total installed
137.890MW generating capacity, while a decade earlier hydro
had represented 30% of the nation's 65,869MW capacity.
Hydro power
has also dropped as a proportion of total electricity generation
during the past two decades. In 1980 hydroelectric schemes
generated 19% of China's total 300.6TWh electricity output,
rising to 20% of the total 621.3 TWh electricity generated
in 1990.
At the end
of 2000 hydroelectric schemes totaling 79,352MW installed
capacity were in service accounting for 24.7% of China's
total 319,320MW capacity, while thermal power plants totalling
237,540MW represented 74.3% of capacity.
to government statistics, hydroelectric dams generated 243.1
TWh in 2000 accounting for 17.8% of China's total l,368.5
TWh electricity output, while thermal power generation reached
l,107.9TWh -81% of total output.
plans to increase hydroelectric power to its former importance
during the current five year plan include major projects
such as the 18,300MW Three Gorges scheme to develop western
China's substantial hydro power potential for transmission
to electricity hungry east coast provinces. In addition,
smaller schemes will promote the use of hydro in areas around
the dam site.
thermal power generation has attracted most overseas investment
in China, several foreign companies have already invested
in hydroelectric power development.
One company active in the hydro sector js Meiva Power Co.
Ltd. Original1y established in Hong Kong in 1994 as a regional
office of PSEG Global to develop power generation investment
opportunities in Asia, Meiya is 50% owned by New York-listed
Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), which operates power
plants totaling 16,OOOMW in the US and worldwide.
two other shareholders are the Asian Infrastructure Fund
with 30%, whose co-sponsors include the Asian Development
Bank and the World Bank's International Finance Corporation,
and Hydro-Quebec International with 20%.
Since 1993
Meiya has invested in seven operational power plant projects
in China. Two are hydro power schemes while the rest are
coal-fired thermal plants. Meiya has invested US$300M in
China's power industry so far and expects to invested US$300M
in the next two years. By the end of 2007, Meiya plans to
have invested US$1.6B in China's power sector. Most of the
additional investment will be used for hydro power development
and gas-fired generation schemes.
'Our focus
is hydro power and gas-fired generation in the west,' commented
Colin Tam, chairman and CEO of Meiya Power. 'Also, we are
investing heavily in infrastructure to transmit electricity
from west to east where the load is growing fastest. Load
development has a lot to do with insufficient transmission.
There are no hydro power resources on the east coast. They
are all in western China.'
Meiya Power
has invested in three medium size hydro projects so far,
of which two are in operation. Both the operational hydro-electric
schemes are located jn Guangxi Province in one of China's
less developed regions. The two plants are the 54MW(3x 18MW)
Fushi dam and the 72 MW(3x24MW) Zuojiang scheme.
The smallest
scheme is the 45MW (3xl5MW) Mianyang project, now under
construction in Sichuan Province and due for completion
by mid-2005.
approach is to go and look for suitable projects. Both Fushi
dam and Zuojiang dam were under construction for about 10
years by the local government,' Tarn explained. 'In the
traditional manner they built when they had the money and
stopped when it ran out. We found the projects and negotiated
to invest and help pay off the debts. We were supported
by the local government. Both dams are in autonomous minority
peoples regions and did not get central government support.'
Meiya's interest in investing in existing hydroelectric
projects is that the company does not have to get involved
in rime consuming project preparation.
'For greenfield
hydro power projects it takes too long. Relocating residents
and other tasks are hard to do,' Tam said. 'Mianyang dam
is different. The local government completed construction
of a multipurpose dam for navigation, irrigation and flood
control, but ran out of money and looked for an investor
to complete the hydro side of the project.'
Meiya is
the majority shareholder in all three of its hydro power
projects. The company has agreed a project structure with
local governments for each of the three schemes similar
to its thermal power schemes in China.
'As a private
investor we can only invest in small and medium hydro projects,
so it is not much different to thermal power scheme,¡¯ Tam
said. ¡®Under 50MW is small while above 300MW is large'.
All three
schemes are BOT type projects ranging from 20 to 25 years
in duration after which Meiya will hand the plants over
to government. Although there is no minimum guaranteed return
on any of the schemes, the power purchase agreements for
Fushi and Zuojiang specify a minimum kWh purchase.
with a small hydro project, unless there is an unusual situation
they will take what we generate,' Tam remarked. 'All are
small dams, hut because of irrigation and navigation requirements
they are like run-of-river type schemes. Typically hydroelectric
dams run for 3000 to 4000 hours a year, and over 4000 hours
in a good year. They will use the electricity in the same
provinces where the dams are.'
Meiya is working to form partnerships to develop three
other power projects, two of which involve hydroelectric
power. The company is focusing on regions where it has
already invested in power projects.
'The government
is looking for us to help restructure hydroelectric power
company financing by consolidating their debt and bringing
in long term finance for old and new projects,' Tam said.
'We are looking for hydroelectric projects nationwide.
Hydro power is a strategic power source as Hydro-Quebec
is our shareholder. Most hydro potential is in west and
southwest China. We are emphasising regions where we already
have business relations in northwest, central and southwest
China and the eastern region around Shanghai.'
In Hubei
Province in central China, Meiya is currently working
on the acquisition of a cascade hydroelectric scheme that
will exceed 3000MW installed capacity once the three planned
construction stages are completed. Although Tam declined
to identify the project, he revealed that the existing
dam has an installed 1700MW generating capacity and that
work is underway to install additional turbines capable
of generating almost 400MW.
The cascade
dam project belongs to a state-owned company under Hubei
provincial government. The river where the cascade scheme
is being developed has the potential to generate a further
1000MW at least.
is substantial hydro potential on the same river,' Tam
explained. 'They are bringing us in as the strategic partner.
Our money will be used as their equity for new plants.
They are looking to us to bring in modern management skill
for a phased hydro development project that requires certain
skills and systems.
'It will
take over 10 years to develop the 3000MW. We are hoping
to complete the acquisition by third quarter 2003 as there
is a lot of government and regulatory issues to deal with.
The evaluation process of the state assets is now underway
so the investment needed is not known nor our final shareholding.
Our requirement for all projects in China is to have either
majority control or operational control,' he said.
Apart from the Hubei cascade hydroelectric project, Meiya
plans to participate in a combined hydro power and thermal
power scheme spread over several sites in Guangxi Province
that will total about 2000MW installed capacity. The Guangxi
scheme will include a 600MW hydroelectric dam of which
200MW installed capacity is being installed to replace
old coal-fired plants that are being taken out of service.
is stepping up its investment drive in China at a time
when the government is about to implement a major restructuring
of the electricity sector. The reform programme will involve
breaking up the State Power Corporation, which owns about
half of China's generating capacity, into four or five
independent generation companies (gencos). In addition,
various state power plants will be sold to three Hong
Kong-listed Chinese power generation companies. Huaneng
Power International is the largest, followed by Beijing
Datang Power Generation, while Shandong International
Power Development Co is the third.
The government
aims to complete the restructuring programme by mid-2003
and then list the new genco companies on the Hong Kong
or Shanghai stock exchanges. All gencos will be national
power suppliers as each genco's power stations will be
scattered across China. This will prevent a single genco
from dominating any of the six new planned power supply
up State Power will also involve establishing a new company
to take control of the state-owned utility's transmission
and distribution activities. A national power grid company
is due to be formed covering all areas except southern
China. This is because State Power owns most of China's
transmission and distribution facilities except the southern
grid, for which Guangdong provincial government has provided
most the necessary investment.
sector reform is likely to bring further opportunities
for Meiya to expand hydro portfolio in China. Following
t break up of State Power into gencos, considerable reorganisation
and consolidation is expected among other power plant
operators. Opportunities to purchase power stations are
expected to occur as those operators unable to compete
in the new power market decide to sell their plants.
'You have
to reach 4000MW to 5000M installed capacity in China to
be competitive,' Tam said. 'Now we are at 2016M Projects
we are working on now will reach our goal.
'For Meiya, China is one of the best markets to get into.
Speaking today I cannot see any other market with a higher
potential the next 10 years. The installed per cap generation
capacity is still low among developing countries. China's
economic grow will require a substantial addition in generating
from Meiya, China Light & Power Hong Kong (CLP) is
one of the largest foreign power plant investors in China
w various power plants in service and under construction
in Guangdong, Shandong a elsewhere including hydro power
In Guangdong Province, CLP is involved in Huaji hydro
power scheme, Daya Bay nuclear station and the associated
Conghua pumped storage scheme that uses surplus from Daya
Bay at night to fill its reservoir for peak load generation.
CLP, with
Exxon, owns 50% of I 1200MW Phase I of Conghua pump storage
scheme (4x300MW). This entitles CLP to 600MW of hydro
power generation capacity to supply customers in Hong
Daya Bay
was constructed as a 20 year BOT project while Conghua
pumped storage has been built as a 40 year BOT scheme.
The Huaiji hydroelectric scheme was also set up a BOT
basis, based on a 30 year BOT contract.
in December 1997, Huaiji hydro scheme is the most recent
of CLP¡¯s investments in Guangdong's power industry. CLP
owns 41.5% of the scheme through subsidiary, CLP Hydro
Power Ltd, while Sun Hung Kai China Development Fu Ltd,
a subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai of He Kong, owns 8.5%. The
remaining 5C stake is held by Huaiji County Huilian.
consists of nine hydroelectric power stations totalling
99MW of which five were commissioned between 1975 a 1996
while four new stations were completed at the end of 2001
.The largest of the n stations is the 36MW Gaotang scheme
while the smallest is the 1.5MW Longzhongtan scheme. With
all nine hydro power plants completed, the Huaiji scheme
is expected generate 390GWh annually.